Incheon Jung-gu, Hang-dong, Seafood processing assistant recruitment (direct company) Annual salary/near Yeonanbude
更新时间:03-22 11:13 ID:198065 PV:3764
Location: Incheon Metropolitan City, Jung-gu, Hang-dong 7 ga

Recruitment position: Seafood processing assistant, production worker

Job description: Assist with peeling, skinning, slicing, and packaging


* Seafood processing is a skill. Not everyone can do it, and after a certain period of training, they can do it directly.

  Today's recruits are production assistants who play an assistant role in a series of processing processes.

  They mainly prepare and set up (carry) 10-15 kg of seafood before processing and package the processed products.


Working hours: Six days a week (48 hours a week)

Work hours: 8:30am-6pm (no overtime)

Employment type: Regular employee (direct company) four major insurances/retirement pay

Annual salary: Starting salary (30 million won to 32 million won)

Domestic workers and foreigners with legal visas can apply

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