Bonus 400% Monthly allowance 2 million won Separate 1-person dormitory free Only foreigners
更新时间:03-22 16:11 ID:198542 PV:3835
"■ Place of work
- Chungnam Hongseong-gun Guhang Industrial Complex

■ Responsibilities
- Manufacturing floor tiles
- Operators, inspectors, production, packaging, etc.

■ Working hours
- Fixed daytime hours
- 3 teams, 2 shifts (4 days of work, 2 days off)
- 2 teams, 2 shifts

■ Working hours
- Daytime: 08:00 ~ 20:00 (eight basic hours, three overtime hours applied)
- Night: 20:00 ~ 08:00 (eight basic hours, three overtime hours, eight night hours applied)
- Day off: Weekend or Sunday
Meal time provided during night shift work applied as night shift allowance

■ Pay conditions
- Hourly wage: 9,620 won
- Bonus: 400% (paid after six months as a monthly allowance of two million won per quarter)
- Full attendance allowance: 200,000 won
- Operator allowance: 50,000 won
- Monthly average: approximately 3.5 million won to 4.4 million won

■ Payday
(1) Last day of the month
Example) Salary from January 21 to February 20
     Paid on the last day of the month, ten days later

■ Special notes
- No commuter bus
- Free one-person dormitory provided
- Three meals a day provided (free meals also available on days off)
- Lots of overtime/special work
- Immediate move-in to dormitory after interview on the same day, start work the next day"

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