Cheongwang-dong Geobooksum Mala Tang shop is hiring
更新时间:07-14 20:24 ID:260969 PV:3631
Cheongwang-dong Geobooksum Mala Tang shop (under renovation) is hiring  a chef who can cook Northeastern stir-fried dishes. Experienced applicants only. 
Job Description
Cook Mala Tang and stir-fried dishes
Help with deep-frying skewers when not busy
Under 55 years old
Male or female
Legal visa
Working hours
4 days off per month (after working for a month, fixed break time)
Provided with meals and accommodation: 3.5 million
Without accommodation: 4 million (salary negotiable)
4 major insurances at the individual's discretion
Interested parties please contact: 010-7727-5527

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