Kyonggi-do Cheongpyeong mineral water manufacturing company
更新时间:08-18 10:08 ID:272166 PV:3885
Number of employees required: 5 males under 55 years old
Recruitment qualifications: Foreigners with legal visas
Type of employment: 2 day and night shifts
Working hours: 08:00 - 20:00
Recruitment category: 
- General production job (machine operation) 3 males
- Forklifts under 3 tons -- 2 males
Holidays: Every Sunday
Dormitories: Free provision of 1 room for 2 people
Meals: Lunch and dinner
Monthly salary: 
- 3.3 million - 4 million (depending on overtime and special working hours) 
- 500,000 won extra for forklift drivers monthly

Contact: 010 3728 5436 // 01037285436

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Telefon: 01037285436

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