아산 둔포 테크노밸리 좌식근무 시급 10,500 교통비 지급
更新时间:01-17 11:43 ID:316403 PV:3702
Asan Dunsan Techno Valley, hourly wage of 10,500 won, transportation allowance. Car small part simple manufacturing. 
Location: Seokgok-ri, Dunsan-myeon, Asan-si (Techno Valley).
Responsibilities: Simple manufacturing of car parts (console box). 
Eligibility: Under 50 years old, both men and women, valid visa. 
Work type: Fixed day shift. 
Working hours: Day shift 08:00 ~ 17:00, overtime 17:30 ~ 19:30. 
Average salary: Hourly wage of 10,500 won + transportation allowance of 100,000 won, monthly exceeding 330. 
Uniform: Self-dressing. 
Dormitory: Off-campus dormitory, 2 persons per room, full option. 
Welfare benefits: 4 major insurances, optional paid leave, annual leave, retirement allowance, dormitory, transportation allowance.

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