Seohwi Star Hills Osan Station Jinwi Station
更新时间:02-25 14:38 ID:317481 PV:4207
♥️Pyeongtaek Jinwi Station 5 minutes Osan Station 10 minutes♥️
Seohwi Star Hills The Park View
General sales, unsold (closing soon)
● Under construction!!!
● 1,659 units, large-scale complex (3 minutes walk to Elementary School)
● No requirement for subscription savings account
● 25 pyeong, 30 pyeong, 34 pyeong
● Starting from 310 million won
● First come, first served for building/floor selection
● 60% installment payment, interest-free
● Balcony extension free of charge (conditions apply)
● Resale available from March 2024
● 5 minutes to Segyo 3rd District!!! ●
● Beneficiary area of Nam-Sa Semiconductor, Yongin (Samsung Electronics' 300 trillion won investment)
● Expecting investment premium
▶️ 010-8287-5303

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