Samsung metro nearby restaurant worker wanted.
更新时间:01-26 22:25 ID:320963 PV:3891
Working hours - 10~20 hours (negotiable-also possible from 10~15 hours)
Hourly wage - 11,000 won
Contact - 01043303527
Please send a text message with your name, age, place of residence, and work experience.

The restaurant is called Saigon Bon Ga POSCO Intersection Branch, and the main tasks include cooking food, cleaning the hall, doing dishes, and handling food ingredients. The lunch hour, which is in an office area, is busy for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, and there is less work during other hours.

Men bilan bog'lanayotganda, iltimos, [11482 platformasida] ko'rganlaringizni ayting, rahmat!
Telefon: 01096862287

11482 Ish ishga qabul qilish Koreya Hayot axborot xizmati platformasi

※ Ushbu veb-sayt haqiqiy emas, yolg'on, soxta ma'lumot bo'lsa, tegishli huquqiy javobgarlikni o'z zimmasiga olmaydi, iltimos, darhol xabar bering!

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