Urgent H2 or above Visa 65 years or younger Day and night 300 possible
更新时间:04-03 07:35 ID:331450 PV:4520
Work/Shindong station 1 station away Cosmetics product packaging Age/65 Visa/H2 Day 5 2.1 million Immediate start/Accompanying possible========================================Work area: Noksapyeong station 15 minutes (Naedong intersection) Current work: Cosmetics packaging/Increase Recruitment: Female 20~65 (00 people)Qualification requirements: Visa H2 or above Salary: Day 2.0 million (No overtime) / With overtime 2.8 million ~ 3.0 million day Workdays: 09:00~18:00 (5 days a week)========================================Work area: Seongnam CityWork: Electric circuit breaker wiring assembly Salary: 2.7 million or more Male: 20~45 Female: 20~40 Visa: H2 or above Machine shop/Speech impediment is also possible======================================Female) Noksapyeong station 10 minutes Work: Cosmetics checking/Sample inspection Age: 20~60 Visa: H2 or above Salary: 2.8 million ~ 2.9 million Lunch/Standing=====================================Jungwang/Anseong Male or female: 45 Visa: H2 or above Work: Electronic assembly Day: 2.5 million ~ 2.8 million (Monthly salary 4 times) *H2 Visa becomes F4 after 2 yearsMachine shop possible================================Responsible person: Mr. Hong  010 3982 0188If you are not on the phone, please support me in the order of name/age/visa by text message, and I will contact you after checking.

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