For lift truck drivers / Daily average 300-350 Chungcheongnam-do Seosan / commute by private car
更新时间:03-11 11:28 ID:341223 PV:3946
Work location : Chungcheongnam -do Seosan Seongyeon-myeon
Industry : Lift truck operation
Working hours : Daytime 06:30 to 15:30 (fixed daytime)
                   Night-time 15:30 to 02:30 (day and night shift)
Saturday overtime 06:30 to 17:30
Salary conditions : Hourly wage 9860 won per month parking and retirement benefits
Monthly average : 3 million to 3.5 million
                                                           Payday : 25th of each month
Recruitment : Men 00 (under 45 years old)
Qualifications : F4 F5 F6 foreigners, overseas Koreans, and foreigners possible
Remarks : Own vehicle required

Contact : 010-2330-9886 (Manager Kim)

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