Incheon Namdong Industrial Complex accepts foreign applications for manufacturing positions
更新时间:03-11 14:28 ID:341566 PV:3706
● Recruitment outline① ●

Recruitment field: - Automobile cylinder equipment (radial) processing work
Responsibility: - Machinery processing (radial) processing and inspection of simple repetitive tasks
Qualifications: - 20-45 years old
Recruiters: - 1 male
- Foreigners accepted ★ Korean speakers ★
- Working hours: Weekdays: 08:30 ~ 17:30, 5 days a week, no overtime
- Salary conditions: 2 million won per month ~
- Working conditions: Foreigners accepted
- Benefits: Weekly pay available
- Pay date: 5th of every month
- Work location: 10 minutes' walk from Dongchun Station (shuttle available in the morning)
● Recruitment outline④ ●

Recruitment field: Salmon packaging for salmon slicing at salmon food processing company
Responsibility: - Packaging and labeling with an automated machine line
- Very simple and not physically demanding
- For those seeking a stable company with a good atmosphere and no discrimination
Qualifications: Any education level / responsible candidates accepted
Recruiters: 1 male
- Local residents / experienced workers / health certificate holders welcome
- Long-term work possible / transition to company contract after 6 months
- Beginners / Korean-speaking foreigners accepted / F4 F5 F2 visas accepted
Working conditions: - Working hours: (Weekdays) 08:00 ~ 17:00 (overtime varies)
- Day shift / rotating shift, 3 days off after 6 months
Pay date: 25th of every month
Salary conditions: Base pay 2,111,300 + meal allowance 200,000 + transportation allowance 65,000 won = 2,376,300 won per month *Overtime and special work paid separately*
Benefits: 4 major insurance coverage / 6 months of work - company contract - permanent company position
- Weekly pay available
- Work location: Near Hogupo Station (within 15 minutes' walk)

▶ Honest and hard-working candidates welcome
▶ Not accepting those who do not keep their appointments
▶ Those looking to earn a lot of money are always welcome
▶ No introduction agencies or staffing agencies, no referral fees
▶ Shuttle to Dongchun Station always available
▶ Regular salary payments on time^^
▶ Week

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