Chungnam/Asan/Onyang Oncheon Station Maratang Restaurant, Counter staff, Kitchen assistant wanted.
更新时间:04-15 21:02 ID:343639 PV:3611
Please note that the following content is also available for weekend work and staff.
Main duties: 1. Counter calculation and delivery order
2. Kitchen assistant cleaning, vegetable foodstuff management

Recruitment conditions: Female Age limit (under 50)
Korean proficient and POS use essential

Workplace: Chungcheongnam-do Asan-si, next to the terminal health center

Working hours: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm every Monday off
The above working hours for part-time hourly wages are negotiable
Salary - We will try our best to meet your requirements.

Men bilan bog'lanayotganda, iltimos, [11482 platformasida] ko'rganlaringizni ayting, rahmat!
Telefon: 01057796555

11482 Ish ishga qabul qilish Koreya Hayot axborot xizmati platformasi

※ Ushbu veb-sayt haqiqiy emas, yolg'on, soxta ma'lumot bo'lsa, tegishli huquqiy javobgarlikni o'z zimmasiga olmaydi, iltimos, darhol xabar bering!

Eng so'nggi ma'lumotlarni ko'rib chiqing

11482 dasturni ko'rish