Asakdaiso Co./Delivery driver employment/Monthly income of 10 million won/Foreigners, F visa possible/Beginners welcome/
更新时间:04-18 10:27 ID:352115 PV:3536
Hello~^^ We are hiring delivery drivers for Daiso industrial products. We are looking for passionate people. We look forward to your support.!!!

Working conditions - Driver's license holder (regular 1), foreigner, F visa possible

Working hours - Work 6 days a week
4:00 AM ~ 10-11:00 AM 1st round
2:00 PM ~ 8-9:00 PM 2nd round

Vehicles - 5-ton wing body vehicle and 3.5-ton wing body vehicle

Salary - Unlimited 9 million to 10 million

Loading site - Naman-seong Center, Southern Gyeonggi region
Unloading site - Gyeonggi metropolitan area

For more information, please send a text message or call.

Manager: Byun Seong-won

Text message format: Name / age / foreigner, F visa or citizen

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