Yangjaedong Seolleongtang specialist store, Kitchen assistants (men) 3.4 million KRW Beginners are welcome, accommodation is possible
更新时间:04-12 09:38 ID:353472 PV:3923
※ Yangjaedong Seolleongtang specialist store, kitchen assistant (men) 3.4 million KRW Beginners are welcome, accommodation is possible
※ Seoul Yangjaedong (Seocho-gu Gangnam-daero) Yangjae Citizen's Forest Station 500m on foot
※ 6 days a week 9:00-9:00 or 8:00-8:00 (closed on weekdays)
※ Men 54 years of age or younger H2.F4,F5,F6, permanent residency
※ Accommodation for 2 people in 1 room (shared with overseas Koreans) Personal expenses (200,000 KRW), commuting possible
※ Beginners are welcome. You only need to have a sincere and hardworking attitude.

Recruitment Manager, Bujang Lee, 010-7665-9361 No referral fee (Please say that you saw the Yangjaedong Seolleongtang store)

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