Incheon Namdong Industrial Complex Production Recruitment Guidelines
更新时间:04-17 15:14 ID:354540 PV:3914
● Recruitment Guidelines 1 ● [Geonyeong]

Recruitment field: - Automobile cylinder device (radial) processing work
Responsible work: - Device processing (radial) processing and inspection of simple repetitive work
Qualifications: - 20-45 years of age or younger
Recruitment: - 1 male
- Foreigners possible ★ Korean speakers ★
- Working hours: Daytime: 08:30~17:30 5 days a week no overtime
- Salary conditions: 2 million won per month ~
- Working conditions: Foreigners possible
- Benefits: Weekly pay and payment available
- Pay day: 5th of every month
- Work location: 10-minute walk from Dongchun Station (Shuttle available in the mornings)

● Recruitment Guidelines 3 ● [Orta]

Recruitment field: - Metal extraction work
Responsible work: - Metal extraction work using gunpowder (mixing + heating)
Qualifications: - 20-55 years of age or younger
Recruitment: - 1 male
- Foreigners possible (Currently, foreigners from Myanmar and Vietnam are employed)
Working conditions: - Working hours: 08:00-17:00 Overtime work of 1-3 hours during overtime
- Overtime work 2-3 times per week
- Saturday work available (Special work recognized)
- Overtime workers welcome
- Foreigners possible
Salary conditions: - Monthly salary: 2.4 million won ~ 2.6 million won per month
- Overtime allowance paid
- Benefits: 4 major insurance coverage / Other allowances
- Weekly pay and payment available
Pay day: - 10th of every month
Work location: - 15-minute walk from Incheon Nonhyeon Station

In addition, you can get a job where you want after consulting with us

▶ Honest people welcome
▶ People who don't keep their departure date appointments will not be accepted
▶ People who want to make a lot of money are always very welcome
▶ No introduction agencies or dispatching service providers have introduction fees
▶ Shuttle to Dongchun Station always on standby
▶ We will give you a full monthly salary on the day of the payment ^^
▶ Weekly pay and payment available ^^

☎ 010 - 4495 - 0232 (Text support 010 - 4462 - 9949)

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