Incheon Ganghwa Ssam-bap House (Female) Waitress and Accommodation
更新时间:04-07 14:07 ID:357584 PV:3733
​● Incheon Ganghwa Ssam-bap House (Female) Waitress and Accommodation. Additional Recruitment
※ Incheon City, Ganghwa District, Hwado-myeon. Haeannam-ro 2674
※ Female waitress under 39 years old. H2. F4 accommodation provided
※ Accommodation provided 3.1 million won (6 days a week) waitress. Good appearance. No introduction fee
※ 3.3% possible, 4 major insurance policies possible (Optional)
※ Working hours. 8:00-8:00 (Day off negotiable)

※ The female boss is kind and nice. Many Chinese-born people work here. It's a seaside location with beautiful scenery.
It is safe because the overseas Chinese live in the accommodation. Single rooms.

Contact Lisojang 010-7665-9361 by text (Please say you are contacting Ganghwa Ssam-bap House )
I am Lisojang, the operator of the registered company, Bobaepjob. We do not receive any fees, such as introduction fees, from employees.

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