Yangjaedong Seolleongtang Restaurant, Kitchen Assistant (Male) 34 Million Won, Accommodation Available
更新时间:04-29 12:20 ID:360583 PV:3932
※ Yangjaedong Seolleongtang Restaurant, Kitchen Assistant (Male) 34 Million Won, Accommodation Available
※ Additional Kitchen and Cooking Assistants Wanted, No Referral Fee
※ Seoul Yangjaedong (Seocho-gu Gangnam-daero) Yangjae Citizen's Forest Station 500m on foot
※ 6 days a week, 9:00-9:00 or 8:00-8:00 (closed on weekdays)
※ Male under 54 years old, H2.F4,F5,F6, Permanent Residency
※ Accommodation for 2 in 1 room (shared with Korean) Personal deposit (200,000 won)
You only overlap accommodation time by about 30 minutes with the person you share with because they work at night. Commuting is possible
Hiring Manager 010-7665-9361 No Referral Fee (Please mention that you saw the Yangjaedong Seolleongtang Restaurant)

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