Kupang Milkran Centre transport driver recruitment / Foreigners welcome / Beginners welcome / Age and gender irrelevant
更新时间:05-28 10:21 ID:363174 PV:3514
Assalomu alaykum~^^ Recruitment officer Byun Seong-won.

We are currently recruiting for the position of transport driver for the Coupang Milk run Center.

We are looking for passionate individuals.

In the case of Coupang Milk Run, the work takes place during the day and consists of transporting goods from one center to another, so there is less physical strain due to 100% forklift loading and unloading.

It is a job that even older people can do without difficulty.

Currently, only F visa holders work at our company for about 40 minutes. Foreigners and F visa holders can also apply, so we ask for your support.

There are only 4 spots left for this position, so please apply as soon as possible.

We will provide you with friendly advice.

Terms of employment - Drivers license required (1st class regular), foreigners, F visa possible
Working hours - 07:00 ~ 18:00 daytime work
Vehicle - 5-ton wing body vehicle and 3.5-ton wing body vehicle
Salary - Over 9-10 million
Loading and unloading (3.5T standard) - Incheon Seo-gu
Unloading 4th: Incheon Seo-gu, Gimpo, Goyang, Paju, etc.

★When operating the 5T vehicle, the place of residence is confirmed★

For more information, please send a text message or call.

When requesting text support (name/age/visa/driver’s license type/place of residence)

Person in charge: Byun Seong-won

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