Asan Yonghwadong Commuting Operation | Private car commuting traffic expenses paid | Bonus 250% | Beginners possible packaging work
更新时间:04-18 09:53 ID:364375 PV:3604
Car parts simple packaging

Location: Asan-si, Inju-myeon, Gelmae-ri, Inju Industrial Complex

Responsible work: Packaging of auto parts

Qualifications: Qualifications: Male or female F visa possible

Working hours: Fixed weekly

Working hours: Weekdays 08:00 ~ 17:00

Overtime after 17:30 2~3 hours

Average salary: Hourly wage 9,860 won + bonus 200% + additional allowance 50%

Transportation expenses 100,000 won Monthly 320~350

Work uniform: General work uniform

Dormitory: Outside dormitory 2 people 1 room full options

Benefits: Weekly pay allowance for annual retirement dormitory and transportation expenses

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