Pyeongtaek car accessory company Two shifts over 4 million including commuter vehicles
更新时间:05-14 12:48
*Near Seoul/Gyeonggi-do/Incheon/Chungcheong-do, Auto Parts/Cosmetics/Electronics company, day and night shift, providing dormitory, 3-4.5 million. Mobile: 010 9743 5535 WeChat: Jack10523 ================================== ▶Job Description Packing and assembly work (definitely not difficult, work that beginners can fully complete) ▶Work location Pyeongtaek Po-seong Industrial Complex ▶Work hours Week: 08:00 ~ 20:00 (overtime required) Night: 20 00 ~ 08:00 (overtime required) ▶Salary Over 4 million won per month Payday: 15 days ▶Benefits Welfare benefits salary, weekly rest allowance, annual leave allowance, lunch provided, dinner provided, commuter bus, paid leave on all public holidays, pension, referral bonus support, friend referral bonus support ▶ Qualification Beginners can apply/ Experienced workers preferred Those who can start working immediately and those living nearby
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