Bonus 2 5 0 % transport |-|-=-= 100,000 won packing works recruitment regardless of gender
更新时间:05-07 11:51 ID:375520 PV:3690
 ➢Car part simple packing

➢Workplace: Asan-si Inju-myeon Geolmae-ri Injugongdan

➢Responsible work: Car part packing

➢Applicant qualification: Regardless of gender, F-visa available

➢Work style: Fixed daytime work

➢Working hours: Daytime 08:00 ~ 17:00
After 17:30, 2~3 hours of overtime

➢Average salary: Hourly wage 9,860 won + Bonus 200% + Additional allowance 50%
Transport |-|-=-= 100,000 won  monthly 320~350

➢Working attire: Normal work attire

➢Dormitory: External dormitory, 1 room for 2 people, fully furnished

➢Employee benefits: Weekly rest allowance, Annual leave, Retirement pay, Dormitory, Transport

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