-=-=-=|===| Gunpo cosmetic container assemble women 60 years and younger urgently wanted
更新时间:06-18 08:17 ID:375911 PV:3866
 Gunpo cosmetic container assembly
1. Responsible work: Assemble cosmetic containers. Beginners can apply. There is consistent work and overtime.	
2. Work location: 15 mintues away from Gunpo station
3. Work schedule: Monday ~ Saturday (overtime work available)
1.5 times the hourly rate is given for overtime pay.	
Fixed weekdays. Female staff below 60 years old
Working hours: 08:30~19:00 (1.5 hours of overtime). Only 8 hours of work on Saturdays.
Weekly rest allowance, annual leave allowance, and national holidays are paid.
Monthly salary: 3.2 million or more.

Men bilan bog'lanayotganda, iltimos, [11482 platformasida] ko'rganlaringizni ayting, rahmat!
Telefon: 01043926118

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