Incheon Massatang (noodles in spicy broth) is looking for a kitchen staff.
更新时间:05-09 08:11 ID:376128 PV:3782
Contact on WeChat: jieshaosuo888 (no referral fee needed)
Incheon West District Massatang is in urgent need of a kitchen staff!
Must be responsible. Safe working environment. Young staff.
No complex rules. Not very busy during the day.
Only busy during dinner hours. Salary negotiable.

Men bilan bog'lanayotganda, iltimos, [11482 platformasida] ko'rganlaringizni ayting, rahmat!
Telefon: 01081032790

11482 Ish ishga qabul qilish Koreya Hayot axborot xizmati platformasi

※ Ushbu veb-sayt haqiqiy emas, yolg'on, soxta ma'lumot bo'lsa, tegishli huquqiy javobgarlikni o'z zimmasiga olmaydi, iltimos, darhol xabar bering!

Eng so'nggi ma'lumotlarni ko'rib chiqing

11482 dasturni ko'rish