Incheon Namdong Simple Packaging Women under 55 years old Overtime optional, 5-day work week, 9-hour work day
更新时间:05-23 10:46 ID:385516 PV:3706
        Incheon Namdong
◇ Field of recruitment: Simple packaging
◇ Job description: Simple cosmetic packaging
◇ Qualification requirements: Women under the age of 55
◇ Working conditions: 09:00~18:00 No overtime or special overtime pay Hourly rate of 9,860 won Paid on the 11th of each month
◇ Selection procedure: Phone/text 010-3107-6905
                   Visa F-4,5,6 for commuting
         Dae-rak, 5-day work week, Salary of about 2 million won, Overtime available. Overtime is optional.
         Always recruiting
      Inquiry: 010-3107-6905
      WeChat: youn7744

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