Gyeonggi-do, Hwasung|47 y.o, male|Type F Visa|Regular Worker|Free Accommodation|Working Hours: 24/7
更新时间:07-24 08:23 ID:397597 PV:3870
Workplace: Paldang-myeon, Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do|Tasks: Corrugated Cardboard (Boxes)|Machine Operation|Qualifications: Male, Under 47 y.o., Type F Visa, Korean or Foreign Nationality|Language: Must be able to understand and communicate in Korean|Work Pattern: 12-Hour Shifts, 1 week on, 1 week off|Work Hours: Day Shift: 08:00-17:00 (3 hours overtime) Night Shift: 20:00-05:00 (3 hours overtime)|Hourly Pay: 10,600 South Korean Won|Monthly Average: 360 million Won|Pay Date: 10th|Free Accommodation: 4-Person Dormitory Rooms|Benefits: Regular Worker / All 4 Insurance Benefits Required / Performance Pay: Up to 5 million Won (Year-End Bonuses Paid Based on Business Revenues) 💙After 2 Years of Regular Employment: Educational Support, Long-Term Employees with 5 Years of Service: Lump Sum Bonus|Contact Number: 010-5547-0410|WeChat: XUX7240

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