Incheon/Songdo New Town/New Logistics Center / Pay the next day / Quick Support
更新时间:06-20 13:01 ID:402895 PV:3610
* Visa F2, F4, F5, F6 are possible

*Logistics center in Songdo New Town, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (commuter bus scheduled for Moonlight Festival Park Station)

*Nike, Adidas, etc. Product classification confirmation / Simple work / Free dress /

*Daily pay: 90,540 won / Pay on the next day

*Long-term, short-term work Flexible work time!!!

*Accompaniment, friends, lovers, sisters, brothers, and brothers are all possible!!!!
Contact 010 7455 2117.

Men bilan bog'lanayotganda, iltimos, [11482 platformasida] ko'rganlaringizni ayting, rahmat!
Telefon: 01074552117

11482 Ish ishga qabul qilish Koreya Hayot axborot xizmati platformasi

※ Ushbu veb-sayt haqiqiy emas, yolg'on, soxta ma'lumot bo'lsa, tegishli huquqiy javobgarlikni o'z zimmasiga olmaydi, iltimos, darhol xabar bering!

Eng so'nggi ma'lumotlarni ko'rib chiqing

11482 dasturni ko'rish