Jinwi-myeon) Film sheet production/Weekly fixed/Holiday bonus payment/High speed typing/Inspection, etc./COD is welcomed
更新时间:06-25 11:57 ID:403516 PV:3856
■ LED lighting component film sheet production ■

· Gyeonggi-do, Pyeongtaek-si, Jinwi-myeon, Eun-san-ri

▶▶Work responsibilities
· OP/Operator, production assistant, assembly, packaging, etc.
· Work assistant, assembly, inspection, packaging, etc.

▶▶Salary conditions
· Male hourly wage: 10,000 won
· Female hourly wage: 9,860 won
(If a woman is OP, an hourly wage of 10,000 won is applied)
· Pay date: 10th of the month
· Allowances: Holiday (bonus) bonus 100%
· Monthly maximum: 3.5 million won ~ 2.51 million won

▶▶Work style
· Weekday: 08:30 ~ 17:30
· Overtime: Occurs for about 1 hour ~ 2.5 hours
· Overtime and special work are frequent (voluntary participation) High salary possible

▶▶Work uniform
· ESD clothes, ESD hats, safety shoes
· Assigned personal lockers

▶▶Commuter bus
· Company parking lot available
· Get on board at Jinwi Station 07:45 E-mart24 in front
· Get off at 07:55 at Plant 2
· Arrive at 08:15 at Plant 1

· 100% holiday bonus (50% paid on Lunar New Year/50% on Chuseok)
· Lunch/dinner provided (during overtime)
· Commuter bus and company parking lot available
· Comfortable indoor environment with air conditioning/heating

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