Cheonan City/Full-time/Dormitory/55 years old/3 million/Meat packaging and processing of frozen meat (excluding poultry)
更新时间:07-08 11:43 ID:404590 PV:3762
# Cheonan City, Seobuk District, Chungnam Province
Job: Meat packaging and processing of frozen meat (excluding poultry)
Gender: 55 years of age or younger/Koreans/foreigners with F visas only (who can communicate)
Working hours: 08:00-17:30 (1-2 hours of overtime) Saturday overtime (if possible over the weekend)
Salary: 2.2 million for women/2.3 million for men
Overtime work: 2.8-3 million or more
Payday: 10th
Work uniform: Sanitary clothing, shoes, hat, and mask provided/health certificate issued
Benefits: After 6 months, full-time conversion, annual parking space available
Dormitory and two off-campus apartments, one person per room (only 1/n for management fee and utilities)
* If you pass the interview, we will notify you on the same day, and if you pass, you can enter the company immediately after obtaining a health certificate

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