Pyeongtaek Cheonbuk-eup Semiconductor component complete product inspection and packaging
更新时间:07-04 11:20 ID:404698 PV:3646
※ Semiconductor component complete product inspection and packaging ※		

☆ Working place		
- Pyeongtaek Cheonbuk-eup 	
☆ Recruitment		
- Foreigner		
☞ Beginner, companion, leave of absence, foreigner (Korean speaker)		
☆ Job		
-  Semiconductor component cleanroom	
☞ Easy job possible for beginners (slow-paced, easy job)		
☆ Clothing		
- Cleanroom suit		
☞ The work environment is very cool and clean.		
☆ Work style		
- Daytime				
- Daytime: 09:00 ~ 18:00 (overtime 2HR)				
- Sunday: Holiday
- Later 2-shift conversion 		
☞ Overtime/special work may vary depending on the company's workload		
☆ Salary table				
- Bonus: 100%		
- Full-time allowance: 1 million won		
- Part-time allowance: 1 million won
- Fuel cost: 1 million won		
- Monthly average: About 2.8 million won ~ 4.5 million won 		
☞ Possible to earn extra for overtime on weekdays		
☞ Possible to earn extra for special work on Saturdays

☆ Other
- Own car required

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