Cheongbuk / Robot powder coating job / Powder coating career seekers / Basic salary from 3 million
更新时间:08-13 10:14 ID:404796 PV:3552
[Iron product manufacturing company]

Basic salary 3 million robot powder coating equipment recruitment

■ Inquiries: 010-5046-1534

■ Job location: Goryeom-ri, Cheongbuk-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do

■ Recruitment content: Robot automatic powder coating (powder coating career)

■ Salary conditions: 9,860 won, 200% annual allowance, 600,000 won powder allowance
(Basic salary 3 million Monthly average about 3.4 to 4.2 million)

■ Working hours: 08:30~17:30 1-3 hours overtime, many overtime benefits

■ Salary date: 10th

■ Work uniform: work uniform, dust cover, safety shoes

■ Meal service: 3 meals provided for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

■ Other contents: A company with a stable job / A company without any prejudice

■ Welfare contents: Weekly allowance / Retirement allowance / Annual leave / Monthly leave / 3 meals provided

■ Special notes: Career seekers / Those who can commute by car

■ Job description: Robot powder coating equipment management and defective powder coating (manual)

■ Accommodation provision: 1 person per room In-house dormitory provided free of charge

■ Inquiries: 010-5046-1534

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