Incheon Guwol-dong Mala Xiangguo restaurant needs a cook
更新时间:07-27 15:24 ID:406487 PV:3669
 Mala Xiangguo restaurant near Guwol-dong Station in Incheon Namdong-gu is recruiting one cook You must be able to stir-fry as you are a Mala Xiangguo specialist and have a strong sense of responsibility Working hours are from 11 am to 11 pm Monthly holidays are 3-4 days (negotiable) Monthly salary is 320 or higher Visa is required Mala Tang experience is preferred Bonus is also provided depending on sales We are looking for someone who will work for a long time Please contact us if you want to work together If you live in Incheon, you are more welcome 01092992914

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