Chungcheongbuk-do. Eumseong Seolleongtang company, seeks male and female workers, no language required.
更新时间:09-02 08:29 ID:406825 PV:4122
 Chungcheongbuk-do Eumseong Seolleongtang company seeks, can work freely and cleanly, no language required, the majority of company employees are Chinese. Visa requirements: G1, D10, H2, F2, F4, F5, F6 Age requirement: under 55 Work content: preparing sweet potato flour, filling out Seolleongtang, boiling Seolleongtang, packing, etc. many departments. Work time: 8:30 am -5: 30 pm, overtime for additional hours. Saturday off, Sunday overtime. Food and lodging: lunch and dinner free, breakfast on your own or at the company (4000 KRW). Lodging for two people per room, 150,000 per month. Benefits: all benefits required by law. Salary: average salary 2.8 - 3.5 million, salary varies depending on department and overtime hours. Paid on the 20th of each month. Phone number: 01055842877

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