Lift truck operator for night/day shift/Ansung/monthly wage 330-370/commuter bus Ansung.Pyeongtaek
更新时间:08-13 10:01 ID:409055 PV:3888
[Auto parts logistics forklift operator(Fixed day shift)] Male only*
Main tasks: Unloading and loading in finished product warehouse, wrapping & moving items
Night/day shift: Main task counter fixed forklift unloading
Workplace: Ansung Wongok-myeon
Working hours: Night/day shift, same from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm, including 2.5 hours of overtime lunch and dinner (overtime), Saturday overtime is frequent
Expected salary: 3 million, payday 15th of the month
Special notes: Provision of uniforms/Same-day qualification/
Possible to move into the dormitory the same day/Possible to pay 150,000 per week Ansung-Pyeongtaek shuttle bus available
Age: 30s-45s
Possible for domestic and international applicants [Korean speakers]
For application/inquiries, call 010-9237-8244 Supervisor Kim* Representative Kim 010-8405-1180

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