Ansung Miryangmyeon/Food company/Hourly wage 10,400 won/Month 220+@ 8 hours per day fixed weekly/Cheonan Seobuk-gu. Ansung commute
更新时间:08-14 16:15 ID:409236 PV:3463
Press the breadcrumbs for frozen tonkatsu/Spread the shredded meat
Women/Foreigners up to 55 years old
Commuting by commuting bus or private car from your own home.
There is no dormitory.
Please check the commuting route!!!!!
*Main business: Frozen food processing
*Workplace: Ansung 4th Industrial Complex
*Working hours: 08:00-17:00
*Pay day: 15th
*Expected salary: Hourly 10,400 Monthly 220+@
Priority given to experienced food company workers/Health certificate required
Age: From 40s to 55s
Foreigners are possible [Korean speakers]
Please feel free to contact us.

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