Songpa Garak Market transport driver foreigners possible driving license holders
更新时间:09-27 10:11 ID:409412 PV:3840
Recruiter contact information
010 - 2840 - 9973
010 - 2840 - 9973
010 - 2840 - 9973

Hello. I am the recruiter for the Seoul Songpa Garak Market transport driver.

We are recruiting agricultural product transport drivers for Garak Market Center.

The main task is to transport agricultural products to Garak Market.

The vehicles are 1T / 5T wing body vehicles, so there is no manual work with forklifts, so there is no physical burden.

The salary is 1T - finished 6 million
5T - Sales system 15 million won or more, which is a high-paying job.

Working conditions - Driving license holder (at least 2 years after obtaining the license) / Foreigner, F visa possible

Working hours - Daytime and night consultation possible

For more information, please contact the number below. I will kindly consult you.

010 - 2840 - 9973
010 - 2840 - 9973
010 - 2840 - 9973

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Telefon: 01028409973

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