Dollar, sauna administrator and cleaner, restaurant waste management, private house, car wash
更新时间:08-23 16:44 ID:410113 PV:3608
Bongcheon-dong car wash Beginner 2.3 million or more per month Working hours 8:00~6:00 Lunch provided
Working 6 days a week

Yong-in, Bojeong-dong 38 pyeong
81-year-old grandmother lives alone
Healthy, sometimes goes to the hospital when accompanied by housework, food
No days off, only going out is possible
Salary 250

Daechi-dong Institute afternoon makeup
3ㅡ10 o'clock
Closed once a week
Lunch buffet provided
More than 200 company regulations
New building
Good work
People with ID cards up to 70 years old

Jangwi-dong Hamburger Restaurant/Kitchen
5 days a week (closed on Sundays)
4:00 AM to 4:00 PM
3.5 million won (for residents nearby)

Incheon Recycling Work 6 days a week, one day off, 2.4 million won per month, shared accommodation for 2 people, two meals provided
63 years of age or younger
☎️ 010~4658~5669

Sindorim Sauna
Looking for a manager and cleaner
Alternate days of work (15 days of work)
Salary 2.4 million won
Up to 62 years old
Beginners can apply
Priority given to experienced applicants

Sindorim Sauna Nearby
Looking for a female hall cleaner
10:00 AM to 7:00 PM closing time
Working 5 days a week
Salary 1.6 million won, possible for those in their mid-60s
3 hours of rest time including meal time
☎️010~4658~5669 Car wash

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