Namdong Industrial Complex Cleansing Balm packaging Factory very convenient facilities great all kinds of welfare benefits retirement pay
更新时间:10-17 18:19 ID:414431 PV:3551
Location: Just inside Namdong Industrial Complex (Buses <103/34/35/3-2/Incheon E-sound 45/4> come to the company) Hourly wage: 9860 Working hours: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Salary day: 15th of every month Job description: It is a company that makes cleansing Night Cream and it is a comfortable place to work that moves around smoothly unlike a typical cosmetics company and can work for a long time. There are no decreases in the amount of work and the company is really clean and it is the best facility in Namdong Industrial Complex. Work environment, work, everything is convenient here. Disadvantages: 1. It can be a little inconvenient to take on and off the uniform, but it can be replaced by a gown. 2. It is a standing job. Please contact us if you would like a sitting job. I am confident that if you are able to work through these two disadvantages, it is the best place to work. It is a place with better placement than a sitting job, and our placement is currently 90%. No one has quit because of hardship so far. It is a good place that takes care of its workers and does not discriminate.  Please contact us as soon as possible. Even if the positions are filled, it is possible to go on standby... If you want to go on standby, I will make sure you get paid on the same day. Good jobs are not easy to find. Manager Kim: 010-5334-1490 :010-5334-1490 :010-5334-1490

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