Pyeongtaek Posung Weekly sitting Individual inspection booth Automobile small products Visual inspection staff recruitment
更新时间:09-30 10:22 ID:414835 PV:3743
↓ Interview contact ↓
Hankeltech Hyeonchajang (010-5089-9197)

It's not an introduction agency
3.3% deduction-free daily work or 4 insurance options available

Work location: Pyeongtaek Industrial Complex entrance / 10 minutes walk from Hansaem Mart
(Near Moah 1, 2 complex apartments)

In charge of
Screening inspection - Female 1 person (daytime sitting)
Small gasket product screening inspection work. There is an individual inspection booth. There is overtime. The environment is fine. It consists of non-biased Korean Vietnamese women employees.

Working hours: 08:30~20:00 (overtime 2H)

Work clothes: autonomous clothing / 6 months later, general working clothes are provided

Average monthly salary
Daytime month 2.7 million to 2.9 million won

Hourly wage: 9,860 won

Gender: Female / Person who can work in daytime sitting.
Foreigners available: H-2, F-4, F-5, F-6

Payday: 10th day

Working environment: No favoritism, mainly Korean expatriates and Vietnamese employees
You must be able to commute by car or on foot.
Lunch and dinner are possible.
↓ Interview contact ↓
Hankeltech Hyeonchajang (010-5089-9197)
Hankeltech Hyeonchajang (010-5089-9197)

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