Sosan Automobile Parts Muffler Assembly Forklift Day and Night 3.2 Million Dormitory per month
更新时间:10-14 11:30 ID:415056 PV:3735
 Workplace: Chungnam Seosan Seongyeon Industrial Complex Automobile Parts Company 1 week during the day, 1 week at night-time Supported areas: Forklift driving Delivery/loading and unloading (license required) Salary: 3-3.5 million per month Age limit: Men under 45 Daytime 06:30 ~ 15:30, night-time 15:30 ~ 02:30, work 5 days a week, Saturday/Sunday 2-3 times a month. There is overtime, Sunday rest Break time: 10 minutes in the morning, lunch time 10:50~11:30, 10 minutes in the afternoon Parking allowance, monthly car allowance, severance pay Average monthly salary: 3-3.5 million won Paid on the 25th of every month Free one-meal lunch, paid holidays, festivals and summer vacation Single-room dormitory [two people in one room], dormitory provided for a fee, no commuting bus, possible to commute by car Foreigners, H2, F2 ~ F6 visas, fluent in Korean Please say you saw it on 11482.

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