Gaza Industrial Complex) Incheon PCB professional full process large companies series production line employees recruitment
更新时间:10-17 11:43 ID:415721 PV:3684
Gaza Industrial Complex) Incheon PCB professional full process large companies series production line employees recruitment 1. Work style: 2 weeks 2 shifts 8:00~20:00 // 20:00~8:00 lots of overtime work 2. PCB professional full process experienced employees are preferred (beginners are also possible) 3. Pleasant workplace 4. Salary payment date 10th 5. Average salary 3 million~3.5 million or more 6. Benefits: weekly day off monthly leave bonus 200%. performance pay 7. Commute bus service (Galsandong. Cheongcheondong. Gajangdong. Seoknamdong Gajadong) So Wang So-ga Head of the Institute 0104392 6118 Wechat jyy19711214

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