Forklift operator and material management recruiter, male
更新时间:10-10 06:55 ID:416693 PV:2348
Dangjin Seokmun Industrial Complex

09:00~17:30 Lunch time 30 minutes Early departure from work 30 minutes due to traffic congestion

Work Forklift operation Management of materials Document creation

Monthly 26 days of work Daily wage Weekly wage Monthly wage possible

Daily wage 130,000 won Transportation fee 30,000 won Additional separate payment

No dormitory

4 major insurances 3.3 We can meet your desired terms

Only F visas are available for foreigners Those who can communicate in language

Please note that there will be an in-house interview

010 8276 5124

Men bilan bog'lanayotganda, iltimos, [11482 platformasida] ko'rganlaringizni ayting, rahmat!
Telefon: 01082765124

11482 Ish ishga qabul qilish Koreya Hayot axborot xizmati platformasi

※ Ushbu veb-sayt haqiqiy emas, yolg'on, soxta ma'lumot bo'lsa, tegishli huquqiy javobgarlikni o'z zimmasiga olmaydi, iltimos, darhol xabar bering!

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