Aspherical lens manufacturing / Weekly / Alternating / Various allowances / Equipment / Inspection, etc. / Weekly pay / Always welcome
更新时间:10-10 12:16 ID:416727 PV:3521
■ Optical Parts Aspherical Lens Transparent Injection Product Manufacturing ■

▶▶ Work Location
ㆍ Near Shinnam-ri, Dunpo-myeon, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do

▶▶ Application Requirements
ㆍ Gender does not matter
ㆍ Career does not matter
ㆍ Nationality Hiring foreigners

▶▶ Responsible work
ㆍ OP, machine operation, and work assistance, etc.
ㆍ Inspection (naked eye / microscope), production assistance, etc.

▶▶ Salary Conditions
ㆍ Hourly rate: 9,860 won
ㆍ Payday: 15th

ㆍ First month's full month allowance: 50,000 won
ㆍ After 3 months, OPI allowance, inspection allowance: 50,000 won
ㆍ If promoted according to ability, increase by 50,000 won
Supervisor allowance is 100,000 won (including OPI allowance of 100,000 won)

▶▶ Work Style
ㆍ Weekdays: 08:30 ~ 17:30
ㆍ Residual work: 1 hour ~ 2.0 hours or so
ㆍ Frequent overtime and special work (optional participation) High salary possible

ㆍ Shift work
ㆍ 2 shifts and 2 shifts (day and night shifts)
ㆍ 08:30 ~ 20:00, 20:00 ~ 08:30 shift

ㆍ Can continue overtime without dinner

▶▶ Work Uniform
ㆍ Company uniform and dustproof suit, indoor shoes
ㆍ Personal locker room assignment

ㆍ Two meals a day

ㆍ Available for use in company parking lot

▶▶ Support method
ㆍ HR manager: Kim Head
ㆍ Application inquiries: 0 1 0 - 7 6 0 8 - 8 5 4 6
ㆍ HR manager: Kang Daeri
ㆍ Application inquiries: 0 1 0 - 5 5 1 0 - 2 7 0 0

ㆍ Please leave a message if you are absent
ㆍ Phone, text possible
When applying for text, please text your name / age / where you live after writing

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