Halfmoon Industrial Complex Siu Station Daily Women Joing Packing Simple tasks/sitting. standing
更新时间:10-18 08:09 ID:417151 PV:3937
 Halfmoon Industrial Complex Siu Station Daily Women Joing Packing Simple tasks/sitting. standing Product: South Korea Metering Controller Electric Vehicle Charger New and new factory welcome freshers Job type: Sitting Assembly Insert Standing Work: SIM Test Funtion Test. Finished Product Packing Working hours 9am-7.30pm Overtime 1.5 Monthly salary 2.7 or 3 million won Parking annual leave and paid legal holidays Salary day 15 (Cannot be paid) By cars and by public transport Contact information: Director Kim Young-ok 010 4392 6118 WeChat jyy19711214

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