Incheon Gajeul Station 7 min walk Cosmetics, car key coating deposition
更新时间:10-14 15:12 ID:417644 PV:2226
1. Company name: Global Sea
2. Workplace: 7-minute walk from Gajeul Station
3. Recruiting manager: Park
4. Recruiting manager contact: 010-4867-3343
5. Main duties: Coating, deposition, inspection, life assistance
6. Gender condition: irrelevant
7. Age condition: under 60
8. Number of recruits: 4
9. Working hours: 09:00 – 18:00 2.5 hours of overtime
10. Hourly wage: 9,860 won
11. Salary date: the end of each month
12. Break and meal time: 1 hour for lunch, 30 minutes for dinner, 10 minutes for morning and afternoon breaks

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Telefon: 01048673343

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