Incheon Geyang-gu Jaeok-dong Cosmetics Plastic Automatic Injection and Inspection Work 2 weeks 2 shifts Women workers recruitment
更新时间:10-16 18:51 ID:418756 PV:1374

1. Company name: PM
2. Work place: Geyang-gu, Jaeok-dong
3. Recruiter in charge: Team Leader Yang
4. Recruiter contact: 010-9940-4420
5. Main work: 2 weeks 2 shifts injection plastic inspection
6. Gender requirement: Male, Female, All
7. Age requirement: Under 50
8. Number of recruits: 00 people
9. Working hours: 08:30 ~ 19:30
19:30 ~ 08:30
10. Hourly wage: 9,860 won (about 3.8 to 4.5 million won per month)
11. Payday: 10th of every month
12. Break and meal time: Lunch 30 minutes (30 minutes paid)

010-9940-4420 ( Please contact this number! )
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Contact: 010-9940-4420

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